Unanimous Supreme Court Sides with IRS that a Corporation’s Redemption Obligation Is Not a Liability That Offsets the Value of Life Insurance Owned by the Corporation

Unanimous Supreme Court Sides with IRS that a Corporation’s Redemption Obligation Is Not a Liability That Offsets the Value of Life Insurance Owned by the Corporation

The Supreme Court resolved unanimously a common estate tax issue for many closely-held companies. The issue in Connelly v. United States was “whether the corporation’s obligation to redeem [a deceased shareholder’s shares] was a liability that decreased the value of those shares.” The court concluded it was not. Family-owned companies will often purchase life insurance […]

Recent D&O Claims Developments

Recent D&O Claims Developments

The D&O claims environment is now in an unusually uncertain state. A fragile U.S. economy, a struggling global economy, high inflation and interest rates, a tight labor market, the collapse of several large crypto firms, and unpredictable fuel costs will likely create a material increase in D&O claims activity in a wide variety of industries. […]

Insurance Issues Arising After Mass Shooting Occurrences

Insurance Issues Arising After Mass Shooting Occurrences

There is no question that mass shooting incidents in this country are unfortunately continuing at a staggering pace. As of April 29, the crowd-sourced “Mass Shooting Tracker” project, which considers a mass shooting to include a single incident in which four or more people are shot in any incident, lists 163 incidents that fit this […]

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Ringing in the New Year with the Highest-Ever Exemption Amounts for Gift and Estate Taxes

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recently signed Senate Bill 246, which will save many Ohio taxpayers thousands of dollars in federal income tax. Senate Bill 246 (the “Bill”) functions as a workaround to the $10,000 state and local tax (SALT) itemized... Read More

FINCEN’s Prepaid Access Rule and Compliance – Policies and Procedures

In the fall of 2011, the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Unit (FINCEN) passed a rule that affects gift cards issued by retailers. The Prepaid Access Rule requires providers and sellers of "prepaid access" such as stored value cards, gift... Read More

Liabilities and Remedies for Securities Violations Under Ohio Law

The following sets forth an overview of the liabilities and potential damages for violations of the Ohio Securities laws. Read More Read More

Side A Claims Handling: Experience Matters

Side A policies afford the ultimate backstop protection for directors and officers. Extraordinarily broad coverage terms and limits of liability dedicated to only the insured persons provide strong assurance to directors and officers that their personal assets will be protected... Read More

D&O Insurance Application Severability

One of the most important provisions in a directors and officers liability insurance policy is the Application severability clause. Such a provision determines in large part the extent to which coverage for a director or officer may be jeopardized by... Read More

Interlocking Directorates: A Sleeping Bear Awakens?

For nearly 100 years, the U.S. antitrust laws have prohibited a person from serving as a director or officer of two or more large companies which compete. Read More Read More

Glossary – Insurance Coverage Terms

Allocation refers to the process of determining the amount of defense costs and any settlement or judgment which is properly attributable or “allocated” to covered claims against insureds, on the one hand, and uninsured claims against insureds and others, on... Read More

Increased Importance of Corporate Compliance: A Director’s Perspective

The monitoring of a company’s corporate compliance program has long been viewed as an important part of the directors’ oversight responsibilities. An effective compliance program can reduce many of the company’s greatest risks, reduce the severity of claims and penalties... Read More

Size of D&O Settlements Exploding

Prior to 2000, it would have been difficult to identify any settlement or judgment of more than $100 million in a “typical” D&O lawsuit. For a variety of reasons, even the most dangerous cases for directors and officers to defend... Read More

Corralling D&O Defense Costs: A Necessary Partnership Between Carriers and Insureds

Defense costs in D&O claims continue to increase dramatically, particularly in class actions alleging violations of federal securities laws. There are many reasons for this increase, but one of the primary reasons is the defendant insureds’ failure, for whatever reason,... Read More

Cyber Risks: New Focus For Directors

Cyber risks have become a major potential loss exposure for most corporations. Although nonexistent just a few years ago, most companies today are vulnerable to a growing list of threats relating to technology misuse. Not surprisingly, as businesses have become... Read More

Excess Policy Attachment: Policy Language Prevails

One of the most important issues under excess insurance policies relates to when liability attaches to the excess policy. In recent years, attachment disputes have arisen with increased frequency, particularly under excess D&O insurance policies. In many large D&O cases... Read More

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