Directors & Officers Liability

Our lawyers have long been recognized as leading authorities in all facets of directors and officers (“D&O”) insurance and liability. From their often-cited two-volume treatise Liability of Corporate Officers & Directors (8th Edition, LexisNexis Matthew Bender Publishing) to their representation of insurers in nearly every major shareholder lawsuit against corporate directors and officers, our lawyers are nationally recognized leaders in the D&O industry. The breadth of our practice not only encompasses the many issues confronting today’s corporate officers and directors, but also extends to a multitude of other similar exposures, including ERISA fiduciary liability, employment practices liability, and various types of professional liability risks.

Practice Group

Dan Bailey

Practice Group Chair

Thomas Geyer


Mark Glumac


Elan Kandel


R. Stacy Lane


Joseph Lipps


Keith Little


David Shedd


Tamara Watts


James Young


Katherine Barnett


Tyler Hopkins


Jennifer Immell


Brian Jordan


Julie Menke


James Talbert


Jordan Ziolkowski


Practice Insights

7th Circuit Joins Trend of No CGL Coverage for Structural Flaws

In the context of construction defect claims, a perennial dispute between commercial general liability, or CGL, carriers and policyholders concerns coverage for liability arising from potential or threatened property damage. Commonly, this dispute arises when an insured's faulty work jeopardizes... Read More

Recent D&O Claims Developments

The D&O claims environment is now in an unusually uncertain state. A fragile U.S. economy, a struggling global economy, high inflation and interest rates, a tight labor market, the collapse of several large crypto firms, and unpredictable fuel costs will... Read More

Insurance Issues Arising After Mass Shooting Occurrences

There is no question that mass shooting incidents in this country are unfortunately continuing at a staggering pace. As of April 29, the crowd-sourced "Mass Shooting Tracker" project, which considers a mass shooting to include a single incident in which... Read More

Addressing the Rebound in the IPO Market for Private Equity

IPO activity reached a fever pitch in 2021 but slowed dramatically in 2022 and 2023. Yet, a growing chorus of capital markets and private equity experts is now predicting a resurgence of IPOs, and particularly private equity-backed IPOs. Indeed, according... Read More

Elan Kandel and James Talbert featured in the latest PLUS Podcast: What’s Ahead in the World of Private Company Claims?

Tune in for the full podcast here: PLUS Podcast: What's Ahead in the World of Private Company Claims? - PLUS Blog Read More

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